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Unveiling The Huawei nova Y72: A Deep Dive Into Specs And Features

🔑 Article ID: 145
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📅 Published: 2024-02-07 02:06:58
Author: Radon Lee

Discover the Huawei nova Y72, a budget-friendly smartphone with impressive specs. Uncover its design, camera, performance, and more in this in-depth specs showdown.

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In the ever-evolving world of smartphones, Huawei steps into the budget arena with its latest offering, the Huawei nova Y72. This entry-level device promises a blend of affordability and functionality, making it an intriguing option for a specific audience.

The nova Y72 positions itself as an entry-level smartphone, catering to users seeking a reliable device without breaking the bank.


The nova Y72's sleek dimensions of 168.3×77.7×8.9 mm and a weight of 207 g make it a pocket-friendly companion. Available in Black and Green, the design caters to those who appreciate simplicity with a touch of flair. Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
  • Predecessor: Huawei nova Y71
  • Type: Smartphone
  • OS: HarmonyOS 4.0
Dimensions H: 168.3 mm (6.63″), W: 77.7 mm (3.06″), D: 8.9 mm (0.35″)
Mass 207 g (7.30 oz)
Colors Black, Green

Coming to the physicality of the phone - it's like choosing the right pair of jeans; it needs to fit just right for a comfortable experience! With those dimensions and weight, the nova Y72 strikes a balance between a substantial feel and pocket-friendliness. It's like the Goldilocks of smartphones - not too heavy, not too light. You can confidently hold it during those marathon texting sessions without feeling like you're doing a workout. Toss it in your pocket, and you won't be doing a funky pocket dance either.

For those binge-watching sessions or never-ending scrolling adventures, the nova Y72 won't wear out your hands. The ergonomics of the design ensure a comfortable grip, making it suitable for extended use without feeling like you're carrying a brick.

Now, let's talk colors - Black and Green. Classic and bold, the Black variant suits the professional who means business, effortlessly blending into any setting. This timeless choice is perfect for those who prefer a phone that seamlessly integrates into their professional life. It's the James Bond of colors - suave, sophisticated, and always in style. Whether you're at a business meeting or a dinner date, the Black nova Y72 will complement your aura.

On the other hand, Green adds a splash of personality - vibrant, energetic, and a touch adventurous. This playful companion is for the spirited souls who want their phone to reflect their lively personality. It's like a burst of energy in your pocket, ready to accompany you on your daily adventures. If you're someone who values individuality and isn't afraid to stand out, the Green nova Y72 is your go-to choice.

It's like choosing between a sleek business suit and a casual Friday outfit. The choice is yours, and each color brings its own flavor to the table.

In a nutshell, the Huawei nova Y72 not only feels good in your hands but also lets you express yourself through its color options. Whether you're a no-nonsense professional or a free spirit, this phone has the right dimensions and colors to match your style and personality. Now, go ahead, pick your color, and let your nova Y72 be an extension of your fabulous self!

If we compare the nova Y72 with the predecessor nova Y71, it's gotten a bit slimmer and heavier; the nova Y71 was 168.3×77.7×9 mm and 199 g.

IP Rating

(Related: IP ratings explained.)

One notable absence in the Huawei nova Y72's spec sheet is an official IP rating for water and dust resistance. While this might raise an eyebrow for those accustomed to having that extra layer of protection, it doesn't necessarily mean you need to treat your phone like a fragile flower.

Without the comforting assurance of an IP rating, it becomes imperative for users to be a tad more mindful of their phone's exposure to the environmental elements. Here are a few practical tips to ensure your nova Y72 stands strong against the challenges:

  • Avoid Water Immersion: While the nova Y72 isn't allergic to water, it's wise to keep it away from extended exposure to water, whether it's rain, spills, or the accidental drop in the sink. Consider it a precautionary measure rather than a strict rule.
  • Dust Awareness: Dust, the silent adversary of electronics, can find its way into various nooks and crannies. To combat this, consider keeping your phone in a pocket or bag when not in use. If you're in particularly dusty environments, a gentle wipe with a microfiber cloth can work wonders.
  • Case and Screen Protector - Your First Line of Defense: While the nova Y72 doesn't come with an official IP rating, you can create your shield of defense. Invest in a good-quality protective case that not only adds a layer of shock absorption but also helps in mitigating the impact of accidental spills. A screen protector, preferably made of tempered glass, adds an extra layer of defense against scratches and minor impacts.

In reality, not having an IP rating doesn't automatically mean your phone is prone to damage. It's more about being aware of its limitations and taking sensible precautions. If you're someone who often finds oneself in situations where your phone might be exposed to water or dust, exercising a bit more caution and investing in a reliable protective case could be a wise decision.

Remember, while an IP rating is a nice feature to have, it's not the only factor that determines a phone's durability. With a little care and the right accessories, your nova Y72 can still stand tall against the challenges of daily life. So, go ahead, enjoy your device, and let it be your trusty companion, rain or shine.

For comparison, the predecessor nova Y71 did not come with an IP rating, either.

Display Delight

(Related: Know more about the various kinds of displays and screen specs.)

The 6.75-inch TFT LCD display with a resolution of 720×1600 pixels ensures a visually immersive experience. While not pushing the boundaries of pixel density, the Always-On display feature adds a touch of convenience.

Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Size 6.75″ (171 mm) diagonal
Resolution (px) 720×1600, about 260 PPI
Features Always-On

The nova Y72 sports a TFT LCD display, offering a canvas for your digital escapades. TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) LCD is like the reliable workhorse of display technologies. It provides vibrant colors, decent viewing angles, and reasonable power efficiency. It's the jack-of-all-trades in the display realm, balancing performance and affordability.

TFT LCDs are known for their fast response times, making them great for action-packed scenarios like gaming or watching sports. They also tend to be more affordable than other display technologies, making devices like the nova Y72 budget-friendly. However, when it comes to contrast ratios and deep blacks, TFT LCDs may not shine as bright as some other technologies, like OLED. So, if you're a movie buff who craves those inky blacks, you might miss out a bit here.

The nova Y72's display boasts a resolution of 720×1600 pixels, delivering a pixel density of around 260 PPI (pixels per inch). Now, this resolution is like having a solid foundation - it gets the job done for most daily tasks, offering clear text and vibrant visuals. For your everyday needs - texting, scrolling through social media, and even casual gaming - the 720×1600 resolution is more than adequate. Colors pop, and details are crisp. However, if you're a pixel peeper and demand the utmost clarity for activities like detailed photo editing or VR experiences, you might find yourself yearning for a higher resolution display.

Now, let's talk about the party trick - the Always-On display feature. Imagine having a butler who always stands by, ready to provide information at a glance. That's what an Always-On display does. It keeps certain information visible on your screen, like the time, date, or notifications, even when your phone is in standby mode. It's like having a tiny digital assistant always whispering important tidbits in your ear - or, in this case, on your screen.

In summary, the Huawei nova Y72's TFT LCD display brings a reliable and budget-friendly viewing experience to the table. It may not have the fancy bells and whistles of some premium displays, but it gets the job done for the everyday smartphone aficionado. And that Always-On display? It's like a cherry on top, always keeping you in the loop without lifting a finger.

For comparison, the predecessor nova Y71 featured a 6.75-inch, 720×1600 px IPS LCD display, sans the Always-On feature.


(Related: Cellular networks explained.)

Navigating through the tech landscape, the Huawei nova Y72 supports the GSM, HSPA, and LTE technologies.

GSM and HSPA are the stalwarts, providing 2G and 3G connectivity, respectively. Then there's LTE, the foundation of modern 4G networks, delivering faster internet speeds and improved call quality.


The Huawei nova Y72's dual Nano-SIM (dual stand-by) capability adds flexibility, catering to those who navigate between personal and professional realms.

Chipset: Power Under the Hood

Equipped with the Kirin 710A chipset, the nova Y72 packs an octa-core processor (comprising two types of cores) and the Mali-G51 MP4 GPU. This combination promises a smooth user experience, handling everyday tasks with ease. Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Chipset Kirin 710A (14 nm)
CPU Octa-core (4×2.0 GHz Cortex-A73 + 4×1.7 GHz Cortex-A53)
GPU Mali-G51 MP4

Under the hood, the nova Y72 flexes its muscles with the Kirin 710A chipset. This 14-nm piece of technological wizardry is the captain of the ship, orchestrating the symphony of tasks your phone handles on a daily basis.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is like the master chef in a high-tech kitchen. The nova Y72 boasts an octa-core CPU, meaning it has eight cores working harmoniously to handle various tasks. Let's break it down:

The four 2.0 GHz Cortex-A73 cores are the powerhouse cores, ideal for tackling demanding tasks like gaming or heavy app usage. They're like the sprinters in a race, delivering bursts of speed when you need it the most.

On the other hand, the remaining four 1.7 GHz Cortex-A53 cores are the endurance runners. They handle lighter tasks and keep things ticking along smoothly without draining your battery unnecessarily. Perfect for the marathon of everyday phone use.

Now, let's talk graphics. The GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), in this case, is the Mali-G51 MP4. This little beast is responsible for making sure your games look stunning, videos play seamlessly, and your overall visual experience is top-notch.

With these components at the helm, the nova Y72's processing prowess is like having a multitasking wizard in your pocket. Everyday tasks like texting, browsing, and social media are a breeze. Casual gaming? Absolutely. The combination of the Kirin 710A chipset and the octa-core CPU ensures that your phone can handle most tasks without breaking a sweat.

However, if you're someone who demands heavy-duty performance, like intense gaming with the latest graphics-heavy titles or professional-level video editing, you might find the nova Y72 reaching its limits. Premium flagships with higher-tier chipsets and GPUs would be more suited to handle such demanding tasks.

In a nutshell, the Huawei nova Y72's processing prowess is tailor-made for the average smartphone user. It's your reliable sidekick for the daily grind, handling tasks with finesse. But if you're looking to push your phone to the absolute limits with resource-intensive activities, you might want to consider a device with a more powerful configuration. It's all about finding the right superhero for your specific mission!

For comparison, the predecessor nova Y71 featured the same chipset, CPU, and GPU.

Memory Marvel

Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Internal Storage 128 GB
Memory Card Slot Nano Memory (NM) - up to 256 GB, shares with SIM

The phone offers a decent 8 GB of RAM paired with 128 GB of internal storage, expandable up to 256 GB with Nano Memory. This setup caters to users who demand multitasking capabilities and storage for their growing digital lives.

For comparison, the predecessor nova Y71 came with 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal storage. It sported a microSDXC card slot.

Cameras: Capture the Moment

The dual-camera setup featuring a 50 MP wide lens and a 2 MP macro lens ensures versatility in photography. While not competing with flagship cameras, the nova Y72 offers a respectable photography experience for its price range. The 8 MP front camera takes care of your selfie needs.

Huawei nova Y72 selfie and main camera setup
Image credit: Huawei

Rear Camera

Let's shift our focus to the eyes of the Huawei nova Y72 - its main camera setup! Prepare for a visual feast as we explore the roles of each lens and uncover the camera features that make this smartphone a photography companion. Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Number of Cameras 2 (Dual)
Resolution (Megapixels) 50 MP (wide), 2 MP (macro)
Aperture f/1.8, f/2.4
Autofocus AF, N/A
Video Recording 1080p at 30 fps
Other Features LED flash, panorama, HDR

The nova Y72's main camera is a dynamic duo, featuring two lenses working in harmony to capture your moments with finesse. The star of the show, the 50 MP wide lens (f/1.8) lens, is like the storyteller, capturing the main elements of your scene with a whopping 50 megapixels. The wide aperture of f/1.8 ensures excellent low-light performance, allowing you to snap clear and vibrant photos even when the sun decides to take a break.

Next, imagine the 2 MP camera (f/2.4) as your detail detective. With a macro lens, it dives into the intricate world of close-ups, letting you capture the tiny wonders that often go unnoticed. Whether it's the texture of a petal or the delicate details of a small object, the macro lens has got you covered.

The nova Y72's main camera is not just about megapixels - it's a feature-packed experience that elevates your photography game. The AF (autofocus) feature is like having a personal assistant for your camera. It ensures that your shots are sharp and focused, even if your subject is on the move. Say goodbye to blurry photos!

Picture the LED flash as your pocket-sized studio lighting. It comes to the rescue in low-light situations, ensuring that your photos are well-lit and showcase the true colors of your subjects.

The world is your canvas, and the panorama feature is your brush. Capture sweeping landscapes or group photos with ease, as the nova Y72 stitches together multiple shots to create a wide and immersive view.

And HDR (High Dynamic Range) is like a magic wand for your photos. It balances the bright and dark areas in your shots, ensuring that both the shadows and highlights are well-exposed. The result? A photo that looks as vibrant and detailed as the scene you witnessed.

With this main camera setup, the nova Y72 becomes your visual storyteller. From detailed close-ups to expansive landscapes, it's equipped to handle a variety of scenarios. The AF ensures your subjects are always in focus, the LED flash tackles low-light challenges, and features like panorama and HDR add artistic flair to your shots.

So, whether you're a photography enthusiast or just love capturing life's moments, the Huawei nova Y72's main camera setup is ready to turn your snapshots into masterpieces. Get ready to unleash your inner photographer!

For comparison, the older nova Y71 featured a triple camera setup, consisting of a 48 MP (26 mm, f/1.8) wide lens supporting PDAF; a 5 MP (f/2.2) ultrawide lens with a 120° field of view; and a 2 MP (f/2.4) depth sensor. Its video capabilities and feature set matched those of the nova Y72.

Front Camera

The selfie camera sits inside a centered, U-shaped notch on the top of the display. Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Resolution 8 MP (wide)
Aperture f/2.0
Video Recording 1080p at 30 fps

For comparison, the older nova Y71 featured an 8 MP (f/2.0) selfie shooter, capable of recording 1080p videos at 30 fps. Its feature set included HDR.

Battery and Charging

(Related: Battery specs and charging types explained.)

Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Battery Type Non-removable
Capacity 6000 mAh
Wired Charging 22.5 W

A notable highlight is the massive 6000 mAh non-removable battery, providing extended usage without the need for frequent charges. The 22.5 W wired charging ensures a quick top-up when needed.

For comparison, the older nova Y71 came with a 6000 mAh Li-Po battery, supporting 22.5 W wired charging.


Here are the relevant specs:

SpecificationHuawei nova Y72
Loudspeaker Yes
Headphone (3.5 mm) Jack No

For comparison, the older nova Y71 came with a loudspeaker and it supported the headphone jack as well.


With support for dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, the Huawei nova Y72 ensures you can connect to common Wi-Fi networks.

The nova Y72 boasts Bluetooth 5.1, ensuring a seamless connection, whether you're connecting to headphones, speakers, or other devices. With features like A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) for high-quality audio streaming and LE (Low Energy) for power efficiency, your Bluetooth experience reaches new heights.

This phone is a true global traveler, supporting various positioning systems, including GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, and QZSS.

The absence of NFC might be a drawback for users keen on contactless payments.

Last but not least, the trusty USB-C 2.0 - the universal connector. Whether you're charging your device, transferring files, or connecting to external devices, USB Type-C 2.0 ensures a reliable connection. It's the jack-of-all-trades, allowing you to expand your device's capabilities and stay connected to the wider world of technology. And the support for OTG (USB On-The-Go) enables your device to act as host and connect to other USB devices, such as flash drives, keyboards, cameras, and more, without needing a computer as an intermediary.


The Huawei nova Y72 comes equipped with the following sensors:

  • Proximity Sensor: Detects the presence or movement of an object (say, with infrared, sound, light, or electromagnetic fields) without physically contacting it. It is used, for example, to turn off the screen when you position your device close to your ear while making a call.
  • Fingerprint Sensor: Used for quick and secure unlocking. It is side-facing in the nova Y72.
  • Accelerometer: The accelerometer detects changes in the device's orientation and acceleration. If you tilt, shake, or move your device, the accelerometer knows.
  • Compass: The compass determines your device's orientation. It is essential for navigation apps, map orientation, and augmented reality experiences.

As we wrap up our exploration of the Huawei nova Y72, it's evident that this smartphone caters to a specific niche - those seeking a reliable, budget-friendly device with a strong focus on battery life. While it may lack some premium features found in higher-priced counterparts, the nova Y72's balance of performance and affordability makes it a compelling choice in its segment.

At its price, the Huawei nova Y72 aligns well with its features. If you prioritize battery life and essential smartphone functions without diving into the premium realm, this phone deserves a spot on your consideration list.

In the vast sea of smartphones, the nova Y72 sails its course, offering a budget-friendly harbor for users seeking a reliable and efficient companion in the digital world.

Feature (top) image credit: Huawei.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is Huawei nova Y72 release date?

    The Huawei nova Y72 has been announced on the 26th January, 2024. It is expected to release in February 2024.

  • What is Huawei nova Y72 price?

    The Huawei nova Y72 is priced ZAR 4999 (about USD 266).

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